Friday, April 30, 2010

Amazingness On A Stage - FP Friday

Phone Calls From a Rock Star

Written by: RockFan

I can remember reading this when it was still posted online and it was the gate-way drug to the other amazing books that this writer has written – especially the ones in this particular series. What I really love about her books is that so many of them relate back to each other though you don’t necessarily have to read them in order (though it is beneficial) and you can read them as stand alones (though you never just want to read one).

This one in particular was one of my favourites and I would love to read the re-writes just to see how much more amazing it has become. It is really saddening that it has been taken down from FictionPress in order to be edited. But it’s absolutely amazing that it has been picked up by a publishing company and I can’t wait to see it in print and in stores!

The characters of this book are lifelike, though the exact situations aren’t your normal day-to-day life. Still, the way that it’s written, the reality that’s placed within the story, makes it so that you feel as though everything that’s happening could really be happening out there. As a reader you’re able to truly feel what the characters are feeling and with them you go on this journey of self-discovery and love.

In short, this is amazing and I’m giving it an 8/10. When you’re able to get your hands on a hard copy of the book I highly suggest that you do. I know I’ll get a copy as soon as I can.

Poster altered by me from a picture taken from somewhere on the internet (such a while ago that I can’t give proper credit. Sorry!).

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