Friday, April 2, 2010

Man-to-Man Defense - FP Friday

Full Court Press

Written by: BreeJalil

Rated: M

Published: April 29, 2009 – November 1, 2009

Summary: New town. New Boys. Enter Carmondy's life where emotionally detached Beck rocks her world, shameless flirt Anderson keeps her from falling apart and nice guy Sloan just adds to the confusion. And isn’t casual sex supposed to be simple?

Ok, I admit that, being as sports-illiterate as I am, I’m rather fond of sports stories. Call it living vicariously or a search for a sports education, whatever, I find them fascinating and entertaining – if they’re written right - which this story is.

Before I go any further, I have to say that there are explicit sexual encounters in this particular story (it is rated M for a reason)… and they’re amazing. They’re so hot at times that they can make you melt right on the spot. I’m talking on fire.

But other than that, there’s an actual story here; it’s not just a long piece of fantastic smut. There’s such depth within this story, a fact that I was surprised with (not in a bad way), and there are such raw emotions that it’s hard not to get wrapped up in the characters. And these are some wonderful characters.

I’m not even sure if I can adequately describe this story to its full potential and do it justice. It’s just so astonishing and with so many real sports facts it can make your head spin. There are several sub-plots to the main sports/romance one and the characters are so well-defined that as a reader you can fully picture them in your head.

Another definite bonus about this story is, not only is it complete, but it’s over 250,000 words long; that makes for a novel-length read and several good hours spent.

This story is a truly noteworthy 9/10 and a story that I really cannot wait to read again at a later date.

Image taken from here and was altered by me.

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